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How much lead time do you need?

Since we are often booked out six weeks or more, please contact us as early as possible.

Is there a consultation fee?

No, consultations are a free service.  

Do you have a minimum or can you tell me how much to expect for the estate?

Yes, during our initial meeting and walk through, we will determine if there are enough items to warrant a sale.  We cannot tell you how much to expect in final proceeds but will gladly give you a "ball park" amount.  If there is not enough for a sale, we can discuss other options.

What kind of fees should I expect?

Our only fee is the commission paid from the gross proceeds of the sale.  All costs associated with hosting your sale are absorbed by Happy Trails.*

How will you advertise my sale?

We advertise here on our web site,, Craig's List, local newspapers and Face Book "Swap" sites, all at no cost to you.

What do I need to do to help?

Only to have property clean and items sorted for sale. Personal items and mementos must be moved off site or stored out of view  prior to signing of contract.

What do I keep and what do I get rid of prior to sale?

Everything sells! Unless items are broken or in a "non-sale-able" condition, do not dispose of any items just because they are "old or outdated".

We have Firearms - How are they sold?

One of our members is a Federal Firearms License holder  (FFL) and  legally handles the sale and transfer of all firearms.  More info upon request.

I'm not a local, what if I can't be there?

We will gladly work with you or your realtor, either on site or via email, text and telephone and will provide photos upon your request.

Can I be present during pricing and or the sale?

 If you are living in the home, you may be present during pricing, but we do not allow clients on site during the sales dates.

How long do you need access to my home and estate?

Depending on the size of your sale, we need a minimum of 4 days and large sales can take much longer to price and display.  This can be determined during our initial meeting.

How do you keep track of items that sell?

Items are not cataloged or inventoried, as time does not allow.  However,  an accurate inventory will be kept on high valued items.

What happens to items that don't sell?

Many clients choose to donate unsold items to one of two local charities in Central Oregon which have thrift stores and  will  come to your property to receive the donation.  You may wish to keep items and disperse them on your own or we can discuss the consignment of some remaining pieces. 


*If property is in need of heavy cleaning and the use of a dumpster is required for disposal of broken, damaged or soiled items, an hourly rate may be charged during cleanup.*

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